
TripTip helps support small businesses and find travelers or folks new to town the places they want to enjoy. Save your favorite restaurants to be exposed to similar style eateries when you are out of town. Find the spots which remind you of home.

The design for this app focus’s on three pieces; the hometown, city guides and the passport. Hometown is where you save your favorites and write reviews on restaurants nearby. City guides provides folks on the road an over view of major cities around the US with recommendations for best restaurants, bars and stays. Passport is similar to the Apple wallet where you can store and buy gift cards as well make and view upcoming reservations.

For avid travelers and new comers alike, TripTip helps locate places to eat so folks know they will enjoy the food. Based on user reviews and menu styles, TripTip lets you experience the local cuisine at places similar to your favorites at home. Whether it be the style of food, the atmosphere of the restaurant or the mission of the chef, store your preferences and explore on the go.

Branding for TripTip is meant to be clean and inviting. Bold imagery of the restaurants and food entice users to explore new places while simple iconography help guide users through the experience. Research was conducted to help differentiate this from competitors without feeling trendy or unreliable.

Explore the places you love.


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